The Road to Oz by L. Frank Baum is the fifth enchanting installment in the Oz series. In this whimsical tale, Dorothy embarks on a new adventure with the Shaggy Man and Button-Bright, a curious boy who often gets lost. Along the way, they meet Polychrome, the beautiful daughter of the Rainbow, and traverse magical lands, including the quirky Foxville and the dangerous Scoodlers’ territory. Their ultimate destination is the Emerald City, where Princess Ozma is hosting a grand birthday celebration. Along their journey, they encounter beloved characters like the Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Woodman, all leading to a joyful reunion filled with Baum’s signature blend of fantasy, friendship, and heartwarming moments.Full of delightful surprises and imaginative worlds, The Road to Oz is a timeless classic that invites readers to lose themselves in the magic of Oz once again. It's a story about discovery, kindness, and the enduring power of friendship.Listen to this captivating journey on Audio Pitara and immerse yourself in the world of Oz! Download the Audio Pitara app today for an extraordinary storytelling experience.