In this episode, I want to talk about why internet marketing is really the only marketing that matters nowadays.
Now, before we get into that, let's just do a real quick history lesson. It used to be, if you're a small business, especially a service area business (meaning you have a physical location and you're only able to service a specific radius - like you can serve customers within 30-45 miles of your business), you would advertise in all different kinds of mediums to get in front of potential customers each month.
You might advertise in the newspaper. You might run a TV or a radio spot. You'd send out direct mail pieces. You'd get a lot of business from the yellow pages. Remember those? Point is: there were all these different mediums that you could use to reach people. And you would also get referrals and things along those lines.
Well, what's happened now, is that consumers’ attention has slowly (it's actually happened pretty quickly), moved away from those mediums, and instead moved to the internet.
The reality is, that the yellow pages are no more (at least not in their physical form); and the newspapers have kind of gone by the wayside as well. Everything's gone to digital publications. People get their news real time now on the internet.
Direct mail doesn't work anywhere near the way that it used to. And even radio and television, although a lot of businesses do still advertise there, doesn’t work like it used to. The vast majority of the population is now consuming that type of entertainment through ad-free streaming services. The world has changed - and continues to change.
Nowadays, if you are looking to hire a company to do something, what do you do?
The first thing that people do, is they pull out their phone and they do a Google search. Whatever type of help you're looking for, you're going online and you're looking up to see” “Who can I get help from?”, “Who should I hire?”, “Who should I do business with?”.
Everybody now, is going to Google.
So, if your business isn't showing up on page one of Google search results, the reality is - you're probably not going to get those customers.
In the remainder of this episode, I'm going to tell you how to shift your marketing strategy to get the greatest result in the coming months and years. Let's dive in...