How do you balance athletics and academics while ensuring proper nutrition?
In this episode, Director Alexia Bates sits down with Sports Dietician Lyss Koenan to discuss nutritional choices for high school and college aged athletes. Alexia dives into questions for Lyss including new surroundings at college meaning unfamiliar American food and the new responsibilities college athletes have to make healthy choices. Lyss also touches on the importance of preparing food the night before for busy high school athletes and not overlooking a solid esky to bring to high school each day to set these athletes up for success.
Lyss also details the process of fuelling your body the day before, the day of and recovery after playing sport, as well as the importance of sleep in an athlete's performance. This episode also covers things for parents to consider when helping kids pack lunches. Lyss busts common myths around nutrition and covers topics like sports drinks not necessarily being suitable for young athletes. Wherever you are in the world, this is a great listen for high school/college aged athletes and parents!