The Truth About Trust, Regret & Family – A Life-Changing Conversation #selfgrowth #trustissues #lifelessons Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Lyfe Choyces Trust, regret, and family—are three things that shape who we are. In this episode of the Life Choices Podcast, we dive deep into the struggles of knowing who truly has your back, dealing with regret, and the importance of making time for the people who matter. Please visit our website to get more information: Growing up, constantly moving from school to school made it harder to build long-term friendships and that lack of trust carried into adulthood. Over time, life teaches us that not everyone is meant to stay, and sometimes, even those closest to us show their true colors when we least expect it. We also explore the weight of regret—the moments we wish we could get back, the relationships we didn’t nurture enough, and how important it is to make up for lost time while we still can. Whether it’s reconnecting with family, strengthening friendships, or letting go of toxic relationships, this episode is all about growth, self-awareness, and appreciating the present.