Angélique Binet is a social media marketing consultant specialized in paid traffic and client acquisition for women entrepreneurs & speakers, founder of Social Media Love, as well as a paid media strategist for the province of New Brunswick (Canada). She was a French newspaper journalist and Canadian TV reporter. She worked at Radio France Internationa, Le Figaro, The Foreign Press Association of Paris, La République du Centre, Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, Radio-Canada TV & Radio. Raised on a farm in France, Binet is a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris, and King’s College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. If you’re wondering about the meaning of social media for your business, Angélique will guide you through a “marketing on purpose” step-by-step methodology she calls The Visibility Accelerator. Not only do you become visible to others but most importantly to yourself. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller "Are You VISIBLE?", a journey into the depths of what it means to be seen, to be vulnerable, and to seize one’s power with both hands.