As hard as life is, we should be choosy about how we spend our days here on Earth.
We’ve hit a new season with summer, and made it to the halfway mark of the year.
Now’s a great time to not only assess the progress we’ve made, but whether the direction we’ve been moving in is exactly where we want to be.
As we make life defining decisions to create a life that makes us proud, we reserve the right to be selective in the relationships we engage, the jobs we take, the friends we keep, the lovers we love. The thoughts we have.
Pattern of selectivity is creating or shifting existing patterns so that you can align your actions, beliefs, mindsets, behaviors with who you really want to be.
When being selective, we may find that the thing we said we wanted to achieve at the beginning of the year, or any other time, may not be the thing we want.
We should consider the following:
Check in with yourself and ask, “Do I really want to do this?”
If the answer is no, pivot.
Identify the decision that needs to be made if you plan to go in another direction. What are the pros and cons to either side of your decision?
Be clear on why you’re pivoting or being selective. so write down, either physically or mentally, write down the way it made you feel, the feelings that it elicits.
Move forward with the posture of abundance. Know that more will come
Access the journal reflection questions below:
Resources Referenced in this Episode
- Grab your free copy of the Write Your Truth by the F.A.C.T.S. Guide
- Grab an autographed copy of my book Of All the Lives I've Lived: This is My Favorite: An Inspirational Memoir
- Grab a copy from Amazon