If you're curious about how much freedom is possible when you're riddled with anxiety, diagnosed with multiple disorders & have spent your entire life not liking yourself... Listen in.
Introducing The Artful Bea, a good friend who became a client. In this episode, Bea bravely shares some of her story & the life-changing results she has experienced by working with me.
The result Bea is enjoying is the type of freedom the vast majority of my clients describe after working with me for usually just 1 month.
Our habituated ways of being ARE CHANGEABLE.
We find it hard to believe that fast change is possible. Yet, we find it easy to believe that a traumatic experience can rewire a person in an instant. It's also true that quality integrative change work can too. I'm privileged to see it every day.
Follow Bea & enjoy her art & creativity on Insta
Learn more about working with me
Book a no-obligation free chat with me.
The book mentioned & STRONGLY recommended is
Good Inside by Dr Becky Kennedy
READ IT!!!!! If you're a human after a manual for humaning (& parenting).
**BALI RETREAT!!! mentioned
If you're a woman feeling like you're in a life transition & you're ready to rediscover YOU. Who you might be underneath it all, free from the old identities & roles you've fulfilled.
And you're interested in doing 'the work' whilst having time & space to integrate in the lushness of 5 nights together in Bali, with other women who 'get it'...
Shoot me an email or DM to register your interest.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sally-guthrie/message
To hear more, visit sallyguthrie.substack.com