A prophetic warning for the nations: More fires, floods, plagues, weather disturbances, war, food shortages, sickness, and famine … Repentance is vital in this hour! To many Christians are worshipping ancient gods of the moon and stars. Why, you ask? Rebellion! No heart for true repentance! God's feed-up and He must do something. “For after all this punishment, the people will still not repent. They will not seek the Lord of Heaven’s Armies" (Isaiah 9:13). We are defiling God's Holy Temple: inserting ancient gods into of our life. Unfortunately, many think it's no big deal. Ignorance is NOT bliss, my friends. People are being destroyed because they don’t know the Lord. (See Hosea 4:6). Aren't we are called to be "set apart" from the world; not blend in.
Blessings xo-
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