ANNOUNCEMENTS: Review Raffle & Q & A’s
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Barbara O’neill: “Stagnation is death & activity is life.”
Exercise improves your circulation.
You can’t afford not to do it.
The heart is a muscle that can be strengthened by exercise or weakened by lack of exercise.
A lack of physical activity can significantly increase the risk of developing chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and depression, while also contributing to weight gain, reduced muscle mass, poor mental health, and decreased overall quality of life.
- Barbara’s best workout: HIIT - High intensity interval training.
Another movement tip from Barbara: Rebounding (2 minutes a day in the morning)
Strength comes from defying gravity
Acceleration and deceleration stimulates the lymphatic system. (body’s vacuum pushes out toxins from the body.
Swelling? - rebound
Lymph issues? - rebound
Upset baby? - rebound
Apply the A’s
Attainable (capable of being done or carried out)
Affordable (inexpensive, and reasonably priced)
Achievable (able to be brought about or reached successfully)