Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Easter's Healing Stew: A Culinary Journey at Dolac Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-03-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zoran se rano probudio, baš kad je proljetno sunce obasjalo krovove Zagreba.En: Zoran woke up early, just as the spring sun lit up the roofs of Zagreb.Hr: Dolac Market je već budio grad svojim šarenilom i žamorom.En: Dolac Market was already waking up the city with its colors and buzz.Hr: Zoran je znao da ga čeka težak zadatak.En: Zoran knew he had a difficult task ahead.Hr: Približava se Uskrs, a s njim i obaveza priprema velike obiteljske večere.En: Easter was approaching, bringing with it the obligation to prepare a large family dinner.Hr: Taj obrok bio je ključ za pomirenje u obitelji; trenutak da se premoste nedavna neslaganja.En: This meal was key to the family's reconciliation; a moment to bridge recent disagreements.Hr: U Dolcu je bilo živo.En: It was lively at Dolac.Hr: Voće i povrće krasili su štandove.En: Fruits and vegetables adorned the stalls.Hr: Kopar, peršin, i planinski ljutak su mirisali na proljeće.En: Dill, parsley, and mountain savory smelled like spring.Hr: Zoran je u potrazi za savršenim sastojcima, ali ga brine što sve nije lako pronaći.En: Zoran was in search of perfect ingredients, but he was worried that not everything would be easy to find.Hr: Njegova baka je imala tajnu: dva posebna trava za savršeni janjetini gulaš.En: His grandmother had a secret: two special herbs for the perfect lamb stew.Hr: Zoran je obećao sebi da će ih naći.En: Zoran promised himself he would find them.Hr: Ivana, jedna od prodavačica, pozdravila ga je s osmijehom.En: Ivana, one of the vendors, greeted him with a smile.Hr: "Zorane, već si ovdje. Kako ide?" upita ga.En: "Zoran, you're here already. How are you doing?" she asked him.Hr: "Pokušavam naći travarice za gulaš. Ali teško ide," prizna Zoran.En: "I'm trying to find herbs for the stew. But it's tough going," Zoran admitted.Hr: "Probaj Matein štand," predloži Ivana.En: "Try Matea's stand," suggested Ivana.Hr: Matein štand bio je skriven iza velikog drvenog zida.En: Matea's stand was hidden behind a large wooden wall.Hr: Malo tko zna za njega, ali Zoran ga je pronašao.En: Few knew about it, but Zoran found it.Hr: Niz malih keramičkih posuda skrivale su blaga unutra.En: A series of small ceramic pots hid treasures inside.Hr: "Matea, imate li planinski ljutak?" upita s nadom.En: "Matea, do you have mountain savory?" he asked hopefully.Hr: "Samo za tebe, Zorane. Držim ga za posebne prilike," rekla je Matea veselo.En: "Just for you, Zoran. I keep it for special occasions," Matea said cheerfully.Hr: "Uzmi, trebat će ti. Uskrs je važan."En: "Take it; you'll need it. Easter is important."Hr: Zoran je napokon skupio sve što mu treba.En: Zoran finally gathered everything he needed.Hr: Vrijeme je letjelo, i morao se žuriti kući.En: Time was flying, and he had to hurry home.Hr: Kad je stigao, kuhinja je bila puna mirisa.En: When he arrived, the kitchen was full of aromas.Hr: Na stolu, gulaš je bio spreman.En: On the table, the stew was ready.Hr: Kad su svi sjeli za stol, napetost je lagano splasnula.En: When everyone sat at the table, tension slowly eased.Hr: Mirisi djetinjstva zamamili su sjećanja, a zveckanje čaša označilo je početak razgovora.En: The scents of childhood evoked memories, and the clinking of glasses marked the beginning of conversations.Hr: Nesuglasice su se polako raspršile.En: Disagreements gradually dispersed.Hr: Na kraju večere, Ivana se zahvalila Zoranu.En: At the end of the dinner, Ivana thanked Zoran.Hr: "Hvala ti, Zorane. Ovo nam je zaista trebalo," rekla je sa osmijehom.En: "Thank you, Zoran. We really needed this," she said with a smile.Hr: Te noći, dok je sve utihnulo, Zoran je sjedio sam u kuhinji.En: That night, as everything quieted down, Zoran sat alone in the kitchen.Hr: Razmišljao je kako je važno ne odustati.En: He thought about how important it was not to give up.Hr: Male stvari, poput pronalaska prave biljke, mogu zacjeliti veće rane.En: Small things, like finding the right herb, can heal bigger wounds.Hr: Dolac je bio tih.En: Dolac was quiet.Hr: Zagreb je spavao, a proljeće je obećavalo nove mogućnosti.En: Zagreb was asleep, and spring promised new opportunities.Hr: Za Zorana su mali koraci doveli do velikih promjena.En: For Zoran, small steps led to big changes. Vocabulary Words:obligation: obvezareconciliation: pomirenjeadrorned: krasilidill: koparparsley: peršinmountain savory: planinski ljutakdisagreements: neslaganjavendor: prodavačicatough: teškoceramic: keramičkihpots: posudacheerfully: veselotension: napetostclinking: zveckanjeflying: letjeloeased: splasnulamemories: sjećanjadispersed: raspršilethanked: zahvalilaquieted: utihnuloheal: zacjelitiwounds: raneopportunities: mogućnostiapproaching: približavahidden: skriventreasures: blagapromised:...