Welcome back to Eberron. This arc features our DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) as Mr. Pig, Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) as Peppercorn Littlefoot and Laura Elizabeth (@elhamstring) as resident badass Mercy! After Peppercorn made a deal to help an Orc-aine addict our heroes fooled some rich bros to get into the next car. Now they’re busy attempting to murder enough rich people in the bathroom to be able to move up another car yet again. Will they be able to kill 3 people without getting caught, or will there be straight up class warfare on this train?! NOBODY KNOWS CUZ IT’S ONE SHOTS! Enjoying One Shots? You can become a Patron of Dumb-Dumbs & Dice for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice and gain access to a ton of extra BTS fun.