
  • The Art of Struggle
    Jun 27 2013
    Today’s leaders face a barrage of challenges, brought on by a weak economy and a fast moving, rapidly changing business environment. Still, leaders at all levels are reluctant to openly acknowledge their struggles for fear of appearing weak, indecisive, or even incompetent. But one top leadership expert with a background in psychology suggests that great leadership is in fact signified by struggle. In LEADERSHIP AND THE ART OF STRUGGLE: How Great Leaders Grow through Challenge and Adversity (Berrett-Koehler; paperback; March 11, 2013), former Microsoft executive Steven Snyder argues that struggle is an innate part of leadership that should be embraced as an opportunity for breakthrough success rather than feared as a career-killer. The key to this mindset shift, according to Snyder, is in viewing struggle as an art to be mastered. Join us for this conversation to explore new possibilities that exist when struggle is viewed as an art to be mastered.
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    56 min
  • Working with Difficult People
    Jun 20 2013
    Do you have resistant administrators, teachers or staff in your school or district? If you do, then you have experienced the impact of this resistance on the culture of your school or district, including, but not limited to, resentment, retaliation, lower morale, and lack of progress toward goals. In this conversation, Jerry will speak with us about how to work with those who may be creating resistance in your organization. He will highlight the invisible forces at work in every relationship, techniques to uncover these forces, tested strategies for winning over difficult people, and strategies to prevent trouble from happening in the first place.
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    55 min
  • Leadership and Self Deception
    Jun 13 2013
    According to Arbinger the problems that typically prevent superior performance in organizations are the result of a little-known deeper problem called “self-deception”. Problems in communication, accountability, trust, leadership, productivity, motivation—and so on—can all be traced to this single root cause. So: What is self-deception? How does it undermine performance? Can it be “treated”? If so, how? And most importantly: What can life be like without it—both at work and elsewhere? For leaders in particular, these questions stake out the new frontier in understanding and improving performance—and quality of life—in organizations.
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    58 min
  • Coach Centric Leadership for Education Professionals
    Jun 6 2013
    The Coach Centric Leadership™ for Education Professionals program is founded on the guiding principles that the school leader is integral in creating an environment where cultures of engagement flourish and that through the use of a proven coaching methodology, these cultures result in higher levels of self and organizational efficacy which leads to increased student achievement. Join us as we learn about how leaders are transformed through this process and how they create a culture of responsibility, engagement and achievement. We will be speaking with Stacy Hebert, the Managing Director of the Educational Markets Division of iPEC and we are happy to have Lawrence Lussier back to talk with us more about the impact that this learning has had on him, his leaders and the student achievement in his district. Be ready to call in with your questions for our guests!
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    55 min
  • No More Business as Usual
    May 30 2013
    Einstein reminded us that the problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them. But how do we start to think differently? Is it even possible to think differently in such deeply engrained systems? Join us for a conversation with guests Steve and Chutisa Bowman who will talk with us about their model of innovation based on their book, Now More Business as Usual. Discover how to break out of the old paradigm and create a new paradigm that will inspire people to perform their very best and set your school or district on the path of generative progress. Come away from this conversation with a new point of view about the possibilities.
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    54 min
  • Making Hope Happen
    May 23 2013
    Almost all fifth-through-twelfth-graders—95%—say it is likely they will have a better life than their parents. However, in a separate Gallup poll, half of U.S. adults aged 18 and older say they doubt today's youth will have a better life than their parents. Clearly, people are primed to be hopeful—but then something happens. How can we use hope to make our lives—and our children’s and neighbors’ lives—better now and in the future? Senior Scientist and University of Kansas Business professor, Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D. is a positive psychologist and the world’s preeminent expert on hope. He is also the chief architect of the Gallup Student Poll, which measures the hope of hundreds of thousands of students each year to determine how hope drives well-being and achievement. Now, in MAKING HOPE HAPPEN: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others, Lopez provides an accessible blueprint for mobilizing the power of hope in every area of your life—and for communicating that hope to others.
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    57 min
  • Humergy: The energy that comes from experiencing humor, joy and optimism.
    May 16 2013
    Include some fun in your day! In this interview we will explore the benefits of humor with a focus on brain research. The relationship between learning, stress and memory are explored a healthy lifestyle, but to maximize the benefits of humor for healthy living. The goal is that participants will be able to identify positive wellness applications and focus on strategies that they can use to improve their humor practice. If you love laughter, this show is for you!?
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    55 min
  • Dare to Disagree
    May 9 2013
    How do organizations think? In her book, Willful Blindness, Margaret Heffernan examines why businesses and the people who run them often ignore the obvious -- with consequences as dire as the global financial crisis and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. In our conversation, Margaret will share with us how good disagreement is central to progress. She will describe (sometimes counter intuitively) how the best partners aren’t echo chambers -- and how great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.
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    55 min