Effective Evangelism
The Way Jesus Did It
Churches all over the earth have their outreach programs to win the lost for Jesus Christ. The problem with these programs is just that, they are programs designed by man and church traditions.
To effectively evangelize we need to follow the way Jesus and the disciples did it. When we read the gospels we see that Jesus only said and did what the Father told Him to say and do.
You will learn.
- What is an evangelist? [1:34]
- Disciples of Christ, not man. [2:23]
- The Lord's instructions for evangelizing. [5:35]
- The Lord confirms His word that's preached. [10:16]
- The Rheama word. [12:03]
- A testimony of following The Spirt vs the program. [24:04]
- Only one man healed in the midst of a multitude. [28:28]
- How to see what the Father is doing. [34:48]
- Example of ministry on the street. [36:44]
- Testimony of people doing this, a recent event. [38:24]
- The Lord's rebuke, a wake-up call. [44:44]