Intro - My talk Decentralized evolutionary computation with Clojure and ClojureScript
Config news - fritzgrabo's helpful comment
- Make counsel-git see untracked files: (setq counsel-git-cmd "git ls-files --full-name --exclude-standard --others --cached --")
- My Emacs workflow video
- celeritasCelery's project.el + counsel.git solution to project navigation
- Nikita Prokopov
- Consider supporting Oleh Krehel (abo-abo) on Patreon. He created and maintains swiper, hydra, lispy, avy and many other awesome extensions.
- Episode 5 of EmacsCast that includes the description of my move from Helm to Ivy
- Visual Line Mode
- Swiper-isearch - a more isearch-like swiper
Writing - Structure editing in org (including narrowing and widening)
- ox-slimhtml
- Snippet: copy org as html into clipboard
- Markdown mode
- Snipper: copy Markdown as html into clipboard
- Checking and Correcting Spelling
- Powerthesaurus integration
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