
  • 102 Redescribing Depression: The antifeeling that is more than sadness (with Dr. John Swinton)
    Dec 17 2024

    Is depression a biological and chemical problem? Is it a mental and emotional, or relational problem? Is depression spiritual in nature? As our guest today says, how we describe something is how we see it, and how we see it changes how we respond and act towards it.

    Dr. John Swinton is Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care and Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen. For more than a decade John worked as a registered mental health nurse and also worked as a hospital and community mental health Chaplain. In 2004, he founded the University of Aberdeen’s Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability. John is the author of a number of books, including Finding Jesus in the Storm: The spiritual lives of people with mental health challenges.

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

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    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
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    34 min
  • 101 Forming Leaders and Ministers: Depth, Character, and Spiritual Direction (David Clayton)
    Dec 10 2024

    Leaders, pastors, and pioneers of movements are often outward and forward-focused. Often this means leaving the inward life unexplored and ignored. How can leaders tend to the depths within, and how might spiritual directors help in this work? How best can we support and form clergy and leaders?

    David Clayton is a qualified and experienced Spiritual Director, Supervisor, and Behavioural Analyst. With a unique blend of expertise in behavioral science and spiritual direction, David provides a holistic approach that emphasizes both inner development and practical application. He is committed to guiding individuals on their journey toward greater self-awareness, purpose, and personal growth (learn more about the Monos Collective).

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    46 min
  • 100 Attaching to God in the Wild (guest Jeff McMullen)
    Dec 4 2024

    What does attaching to God look like in one's personal life, life as a counselor, and life of faith? That's what we are talking about today.

    Our guest is Jeff (spelling?) McMullen. Jeff is the Executive Director of Life Counseling Center and an Assistant Pastor at Chapelgate Presbyterian Church. As a counselor, he is particularly interested in working with ministry clients struggling with anxiety and identity issues.

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    33 min
  • 099 Reframing Mental Health: From Fixing a Machine to Fellow Wayfarers (with Dr. Warren Kinghorn)
    Nov 20 2024

    While modern psychiatry has improved many patients’ quality of life, it falls short in addressing their relational and spiritual needs? Can we draw on theological wisdom and scientific evidence to reframe our understanding of mental health care?

    Dr. Warren Kinghorn is a psychiatrist and theological ethicist whose work centers on the role of religious communities in caring for persons with mental health problems. He is jointly appointed to the faculties of Duke Divinity School and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of Duke University Medical Center, and practices psychiatry at the Durham VA Medical Center.

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    36 min
  • 098 Freedom and Acceptance (Pt. 2)
    Nov 11 2024

    "Freedom appears very nearly the only value about which people still agree unanimously," says Jacques Philippe in his little book, Interior Freedom. But how does freedom connect to happiness, love, and our life with God and others?

    These are the questions this little firecracker of a book examines, and that we talk about in this two-part series.

    We look at the difference between "freedom from" and "freedom for", the ideas of locus of control, the constraints of everyday life, and what "inner freedom" might mean, and what it doesn't mean.

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    32 min
  • 097 Confessions of an Amateur Saint (with Mandy Smith)
    Oct 30 2024

    Instead of pretending to have it all together or insisting that you’re the problem, do you long to see more Christian leaders be honest about their own faith struggles? What benefit could there be to having a front-row seat to the moments that leaders choose to trust in God, even when it’s hard to believe?

    Today we have Mandy Smith, pastor and award-winning author and speaker—and also a great friend—with us to talk about this very thing.We are talking about her newest book, Confessions of an Amateur Saint: The Christian Leader’s Journey from Self-Sufficiency to Reliance on God.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
    00:27 Mandy Smith's New Book
    03:16 The Journey of Writing
    05:23 The Role of Joy and Creativity in Ministry
    07:59 Attachment and Dependence on God
    11:48 Confessions and Vulnerability
    14:54 The Importance of Connection and Openness
    16:57 Spiritual Warfare and Pruning
    25:41 Solidarity with Christ's Sacrifices
    29:07 The Role of Vulnerability in Leadership
    32:14 The Power of Shared Struggles
    36:58 The Structure and Purpose of the Book
    43:29 Final Thoughts and Reflections

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    49 min
  • 096 The Shape of Joy (with Richard Beck)
    Oct 14 2024

    In a world where mental health issues and loneliness are at an all-time high, it’s more important than ever to find ways to cultivate joy, community, and meaning in our lives. But how exactly do you do that?

    Maybe we need to turn outward rather than inward for answers.

    That's what we are talking about with Dr. Richard Beck.

    Dr. Richard Beck is a professor of psychology at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas He is a popular blogger and speaker and the author of several books. We interviewed him a bit ago about his Hunting Magic Eels: Recovering an Enchanted Faith in a Skeptical Age (which I recommend to people all the time if there are in that space of deconstruction). And today we are talking about his newest book, The Shape of Joy: The Transformative Power of Moving Beyond Yourself.

    00:00 Introduction: Exploring Joy in a Challenging World
    00:37 Meet Dr. Richard Beck: A Journey into Joy
    01:16 The World's Worst Commencement Address
    04:00 The Shape of Joy: Turning Outward
    05:55 The Wandering Mind and Mental Health
    11:38 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Beyond
    15:28 Humility and Happiness: A Surprising Connection
    19:13 The Power of Mattering and Transcendence
    23:18 Mr. Kenneth's Story: Joy in Unexpected Places
    29:34 Conclusion: Finding Joy and Staying Connected

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    31 min
  • 095 Healing What's Within (with Dr. Chuck DeGroat)
    Oct 7 2024

    Like many of us, you carry a weight of buried pain. You feel secretly fractured within. There’s a constant churn of unprocessed feelings of shame, anger, grief, or loneliness. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    Chuck DeGroat is the Professor of Counseling and Christian Spirituality and Executive Director of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Western Theological Seminary Holland MI. He is also a licensed and practicing therapist, a spiritual director, author of five books. He wrote When Narcissism Comes to Church and his newest book just landed in early October Healing What’s Within: Coming Home to Yourself and to God When You’re Weary, Wounded, and Wandering. (Oct. 8).

    00:00 Introduction to Healing and Spiritual Formation
    00:42 Meet Dr. Chuck DeGroat: Author and Therapist
    01:38 The Journey from Narcissism to Healing
    03:30 Understanding Trauma: Beyond the Outrage
    05:19 The Power of Personal Story in Healing
    15:55 Exploring the Genesis Examine
    23:38 The Core Message: Healing from Within
    28:09 Reflections and Future Directions

    Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

    • Starting Nov. 12 (2024), with the live calls on Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm (EST).
    • Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

    Stay Connected:

    • NEED spiritual direction or coaching that aligns with this podcast? Connect with Cyd Holsclaw here.
    • Join the Embodied Faith community to stay connected and get posts, episodes, & resources.
    • Support the podcast with a one-time or regular gift (to keep this ad-free without breaking the Holsclaw's bank).
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    32 min