“A period of cultural change is commencing.” That’s what Paul Anleitner recently posted on X. But what cultural vibe shift is he referencing? Have we come to the end of postmodernism? Paul joins Patrick on the pod today to discuss our new metamodernism moment. Paul is a writer, theologian of culture, podcast host, and pastor. He begins by explaining the progression from modernism to postmodernism, and how the 1990s ushered in a level of cynicism and suspicion that’s remained until just recently. He then explains how he’s observed a newer metamodern vibe shift: the exhaustion of cynicism, the failure of postmodernism, the myth of secular progressivism, and the crisis of meaning that’s led to a sincere desire for authenticity. Providing examples such as Creed and Ted Lasso, he explains why he believes our culture is ready to “embrace the cringe.” But what does a new metamodern era look like? And what opportunities does this metamodern moment open up for Christians? Listen now! "Joyful Outsiders" is available now! Learn more, read a sample chapter, and grab your own copy here. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at choosetruthovertribe.com/story. Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! 🙏 Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!