Our performers take on the role of animal control and cut the bonds that tie.
Follow us on twitter @dorkdaypodcast, on Facebook @dorkdayafternoon, or check out our website www.dorkdayafternoon.com.
Encore of the Lost is an actual play podcast of the “Extinction Curse” Adventure Path, produced by Dork Day Afternoon. “Extinction Curse” is an adventure path published by Paizo Inc., for the Pathfinder Second Edition game system.
“Encore of the Lost” uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy (paizo.com/communityuse). We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. “Encore of the Lost” is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit paizo.com.
Music and Sound by Syrinscape. syrinscape.com The app putting sound into the hands of gamers.
Intro and Theme Music:
Life of a Wandering Wizard: Sergei Chetvertnykh from Pixabay
Chaos in the Mouse Kingdom: Sergei Chetvertnykh from Pixabay