Dirty Kitten Radio "Cat Chat" Episode #17: Endurance Training & Racing with Coach Crystal Anthony. Alex chats with her Coach and Pro/Elite cyclist, Crystal J Anthony, about endurance training & racing, nutrition dos and don'ts, race mishaps, teaching overseas, almost qualifying for the Olympics, and how to become a Pro. Coach Crystal's Endurance Training Tips: Build a big engine (base training); Ride with friends & explore new places (make it fun); Keep your easy days easy and your hard days hard; Spend time planning where and when to do a workout; Don't compare yourself to others; Focus on rewarding and internal goals (i.e. getting more out of yourself; improving skills; overcoming fears; becoming stronger, more savvy, and more confident); Nutrition is a huge part of endurance training and racing so don't ignore it! Visit Coach Crystal's website and social media pages for training tips, coaching info, and fun recipes: www.crystaljanthony.com (@crystalanthonycoaching). For more Dirty Kitten info, visit our website: dirtykittengravel.com