
  • NSF AGEP Alliances: Beacons for Equity in the STEM Professoriate Part II
    Oct 26 2022

    This is a continuation of our conversation from Episode 27, where we introduced current and past participants in conversations about the National Science Foundation's Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) program. In this episode, we discussed the importance of institutional change and the scholars shared their advice for program officers and project leaders on programmatic strategies for advancing equity in the STEM professoriate and for new and prospective scholars on how to thrive as graduate students, postdoctoral scholars or early career faculty members.

    Our guests include:

    • Dr. Luis De Jesus Baez, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University at Buffalo
    • Brianna Gonzalez, Integrative Neuroscience Ph.D. Candidate at Stony Brook University
    • Gretchen Johnson, Biology Ph.D. Candidate at Howard University
    • Diego Padilla-Garcia, Ph.D. Candidate in Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California Santa Barbara
    • Dr. Lecia Robinson, Assistant Professor of Biology at Tuskegee University
    • Dr. Tammi Taylor, Assistant Professor of Biology at Jackson State University
    • Dr. Shavonn Whiten, Lead Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton
    • Dr. Michael D. Whitt, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at California State University – San Luis Obispo

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.
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    41 min
  • NSF AGEP Alliances: Beacons for Equity in the STEM Professoriate Part I
    Oct 12 2022

    The National Science Foundation’s (NSF's) Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) program funds teams of institutions that work together to identify, mitigate, and ultimately eradicate, systemic barriers to success for STEM faculty from racially and ethnically minoritized identities while studying, disseminating, and reproducing those strategies to produce large-scale, sustainable change.

    This episode features current and past participants in conversations about AGEP program impacts on their success. We discussed the importance of having strong mentoring networks at all stages of our journeys; they shared components of AGEP projects that have translated into professional practice and tangible outcomes for them; and we discussed how AGEP projects foster a sense of community that helps scholars succeed.

    Our guests include:

    • Dr. Luis De Jesus Baez, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University at Buffalo
    • Brianna Gonzalez, Integrative Neuroscience Ph.D. Candidate at Stony Brook University
    • Gretchen Johnson, Biology Ph.D. Candidate at Howard University
    • Diego Padilla-Garcia, Ph.D. Candidate in Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California Santa Barbara
    • Dr. Lecia Robinson, Assistant Professor of Biology at Tuskegee University
    • Dr. Tammi Taylor, Assistant Professor of Biology at Jackson State University
    • Dr. Shavonn Whiten, Lead Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton
    • Dr. Michael D. Whitt, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at California State University – San Luis Obispo

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.
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    32 min
  • Soapbox: The Truth about ABET
    Apr 6 2022

    There are a lot of misconceptions about ABET, and this "Soapbox" episode sets out to correct some of them. In particular, we talk about opportunities to innovate in engineering curricula in a way that meets ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) criteria requirements and advances justice, equity, diversity and inclusion by teaching students to be more equitable and inclusive engineers. After an overview, we focus this episode on student outcomes related to communication and teams.

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.
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    43 min
  • Getting Ready for Advanced Degrees (GRAD) with Dr. Marcus Huggans
    Mar 9 2022

    This episode is a conversation with Dr. Marcus Huggans, Executive Director of Client Relations for the National GEM Consortium. We speak about GEM's rich history in increasing the numbers of scholars from traditionally marginalized racial and ethnic identities earning degrees in STEM, the importance of mentoring and social capital, and the benefits of being part of the GEM family.

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.
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    1 h et 1 min
  • Inclusive Engineering Outreach with Kathy Renzetti
    Feb 23 2022

    This episode is a conversation with Kathy Renzetti, Executive Director of DiscoverE. Just in time for Engineers Week 2022, we speak about the need to remove barriers so ALL students have the opportunity to engage in engineering, the impacts of having STEM professionals engage in K-12 outreach, and flipping the script on the questions we ask regarding student success.

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.

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    1 h et 1 min
  • Engineering Change - Season 4 Trailer
    Feb 9 2022

    It's been a while but we're back! We're gearing up for the launch of Season 4 on Wednesday, February 23. Check out this trailer to discover what we have in store!

    Visit our Engineering Change Podcast Website to learn more!

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    4 min
  • Episode 23: Prescription for Change
    Aug 4 2021

    This episode is a conversation with Dr. Terri W. Jackson, author of "The Madness Within: The Journey of a Future Doctor" (as Terri L. Whitley) and her newest release, "Chocolate Covered Nut: The Journey Continues." We talk about her journey navigating STEM education at the undergraduate and graduate levels as a student with bipolar disorder; reconsidering how we define and describe "normal;" and how she has managed, and ultimately overcome, challenges in her career as a pharmacist. This conversation is for anyone who has concerns about their mental health - or that of others - and who is looking for strategies to succeed or to be a strong ally.

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.
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    49 min
  • Episode 22: The 50K Coalition
    Jul 21 2021

    This episode is a conversation with Dr. Kimberly Douglas of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Clif Morgan of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Dr. Kathy DeerInWater of The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and Dr. Roberta Rincon of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). We discuss their goal of graduating 50,000 diverse engineers annually by 2025 and how collective impact can bolster the success of change initiatives that are jointly led by different organizations.

    When you listen, please do these three (3) things for me:

    1. Take a moment to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 5-STAR RATING, a GREAT REVIEW, and SHARE with others.
    2. Follow me and #EngineeringChangePodcast on Twitter.
    3. Visit engineeringchangepodcast.com for more information and to connect with me.

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    43 min