
  • Keyword #9 Tathāgata
    Mar 17 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword “tathāgata," one of the ten epithets of the Buddha. In mainstream Buddhism, the term tathāgata functions as a descriptor of the Buddha. In the Mahāyāna, the concept of tathāgata finds resonance in the doctrine of the tathāgatagarbha, the “essence” of the tathāgata. In the Vajrayāna, in turn, the term tathāgata assumes yet another role in the concept of the pañcatathāgata, or “five tathāgatas.”

    Discussed in this episode: tathāgata. The term tathāgata has generally two meanings: “one who has thus gone” or “one who has thus come.” This term articulates the Buddha’s journey to enlightenment—a path that guides all sentient beings towards liberation. Tathāgata denotes the essence of the Buddha’s enlightenment as both a departure from saṃsāra and an arrival at nirvāṇa.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    6 min
  • Keyword #8 Vimalakīrti
    Mar 2 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword Vimalakīrti, the lay protagonist of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, a masterpiece that blends doctrinal depth with narrative flair. This Buddhist scripture weaves Vimalakīrti’s dialogues and miracles to critique and transcend the perceived limitations of early Buddhist thought.

    Discussed in this episode: Vimalakīrti. The Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, in English “Vimalakīrti’s Instructions,” is an important sūtra of the Mahāyāna, or “Great Vehicle,” dating from approximately the second century CE. The name Vimalakīrti in the title is the name of the sūtra’s protagonist: a layman who embodies the bodhisattva ideal. Vimalakīrti elucidates the Dharma with a wisdom that surpasses even that of the Buddha’s most accomplished monastic disciples. Through a series of philosophical discourses and miraculous feats, Vimalakīrti expounds on the Mahāyāna themes of śūnyatā, or “emptiness,” the unity of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, and the importance of upāya, or “skillful means.”

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    5 min
  • Keyword #7 Gati
    Feb 25 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword gati, or "destiny," a term that offers reflection on the cyclical nature of existence and the moral foundations of rebirth.

    Discussed in this episode: gati (translating to “destiny”) refers to one of the five or six realms within saṃsāra where rebirth may occur. These realms, arranged in ascending order of desirability, include nāraka (“hell denizens”), preta (“hungry ghosts”), tiryak (“animals”), manuṣya (“humans”), deva (“gods”), and occasionally asura(“demigods”). Embedded within the trilokadhātu (“Three Realms”), these destinies encompass the entirety of our universe, from the depths of the hells beneath the continent of Jambudvīpa, to the celestial heights of Mount Sumeru, the towering mountain at the center of the Buddhist cosmos, and beyond.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    4 min
  • Keyword #6 Naiṣkramya
    Feb 18 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword naiṣkramya, or "renunciation," regarded as the initial step for those seeking to escape from the cycle of rebirths, or saṃsāra (“wandering”).

    Discussed in this episode: naiṣkramya (translating to “renunciation”): the act of leaving behind the mundane life to embark on a religious vocation. Renunciation involves a move away from the sensory world towards a life dedicated to religious practice. Renunciation is not merely an act of physical withdrawal from the world but represents a profound internal shift geared towards eradicating attachment to the sensory world.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    4 min
  • Keyword #5 Abhidharma
    Feb 11 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword “abhidharma,” a crucial development in Buddhist literature, emerging as a systematic exposition of the Buddha’s teachings and forming a part of the Tripiṭaka (“Three Baskets”).

    Discussed in this episode: “abhidharma” (translating to “higher teachings” or “higher dharma”): a critical and analytical elaboration of Buddhist doctrines, particularly concerning epistemology, psychology, and metaphysics. It systematizes the teachings found in the sūtras into precise, technical descriptions of reality and the processes of mental and physical phenomena.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    3 min
  • Keyword #4 Arhat
    Feb 4 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword “arhat,” with its meaning in the context of mainstream Buddhist schools, and how, in the Mahāyāna, the ideal of the arhat is considered inferior to that of both the bodhisattva and the buddha.

    Discussed in this episode: “arhat,” or “worthy one:” a being who has eradicated all afflictions (kleśa) and will not be reborn, as they will enter nirvāṇa upon death. This state is achieved by overcoming the ten fetters that bind one to the cycle of rebirth, including ignorance, craving, and the belief in a permanent self.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    4 min
  • Keyword #3 Guru
    Jan 27 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword “guru,” its emphasis in Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna traditions, and the guru's role transcending that of a mere teacher to become a vital guide on the path to enlightenment.

    Discussed in this episode: “guru,” referring a highly revered teacher or guide. This term connotes a figure of significant weight and authority, typically serving as a mentor or instructor in religious practices and doctrines. In Buddhism, the guru is more than a teacher; they are often venerated as a religious guide leading disciples on their path to enlightenment.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    4 min
  • Keyword #2 Duḥkha
    Jan 24 2024

    In this episode, Martino talks about the Buddhist keyword “duḥkha,” its literary origins in the Four Truths of the Nobles, and the significance of various types of suffering including birth, aging, sickness, death, and the pain of not achieving desires.

    Discussed in this episode: “duḥkha,” referring to the intrinsic suffering or unsatisfactoriness permeating human existence. It encompasses not just physical and emotional pain, but a deeper, more subtle sense of dissatisfaction with life, extending to mental, emotional, and spiritual realms, underscoring life’s impermanence and the inevitability of change.

    Detailed show notes: https://www.martinodibeltuloconcu.com/enlightenment-legacies/keywords

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    3 min