
  • The "Hegelian E-Girl Council" and Digital Dialectics
    Sep 4 2024

    In this one…I get into the chaotic, absurd world of the "Hegelian E-Girl Council" drama—a bizarre saga that epitomizes the kind of online cultural labyrinth I'm all about. The brief hook: Twitter is swarming with communities that ride the fine line between genius, madness, and stupidity and this council is the latest example that has emerged and garnered some attention. It's not just about Hegel; it's about how online identities and highbrow jargon become badges of pseudo-intellectual honor, a reality-check on the line between digital performance and genuine philosophy.

    Caught up in this mess (but not really), I found myself in a Discord rabbit hole where theory nerds perform as if every tweet is a stage, showcasing the schizoid dialectical. I explore how these online personas tried to bring Hegel into the real world with a symposium in NYC, only to implode in a whirlwind of accusations, betrayals, and ideological clashes that mirror the fragmented, hyperreal landscape of our online identities.

    This episode is more than internet gossip/drama—it’s a probe into how our virtual personas, fueled by narcissistic desires, clash with reality, revealing the messy, often performative nature of our intellectual lives. It’s about the Hegelian struggle to find truth amidst the noise and the hilarious futility of seeking coherence in an era where even philosophy is reduced to a meme. Or maybe that is Zizek…who is checking though? Right?

    My not serious critique, with a bit of self-reflection, and a deep dive into the digital maelstrom that is my psyche and the collective consciousness of our culture. Welcome to my web of culture, identity, and the ever-elusive pursuit of truth.

    Stay curious.

    Nikki: https://x.com/returntohegel

    Anna: https://x.com/tenshi_anna

    Sanje: https://x.com/sanjehorah

    Also I like JRegs political compass video….

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    55 min
  • The Conservative Boogeyman: Kevin Roberts
    Aug 1 2024

    "Oh no…a politics episode."

    Yes, yes, I hear your collective groan. Politics, ugh, right? Same due. But I've got a bone to pick with the Heritage Foundation's President Kevin Roberts and his Project 2025. I kind of used to work for the guy. We kind of used to debate each other on some stuff. I kind of pretended to be an anarchist Catholic (it was a fun bit) while engaging with him. Trust me, this isn't just politics as usual—this is a deep dive into a conservative fever dream that demands our attention.

    Let's dismantle the conservative (especially the religious conservative) mindset, and expose Kevin Roberts' not-so-subtle nods to violence and upheaval, all wrapped up in the guise of a "New American Revolution." The man is practically inciting chaos with his rhetoric.

    Yet he claims to be on the side of “common sense.” So sick dude.

    I'm delving into the conservatives' psychological warfare, where they manipulate spiritual narratives to maintain their grip on power, while liberals stumble around with their performative wokeness. It's a spectacle of narcissism on both sides, and it's high time we dismantle it. We need to start by dragging our political discourse out of its current dismal state.

    Think of this as a step one individual effort of mine to redefine political discourse.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    41 min
  • Podcast Daddy
    Apr 28 2024

    Intro of what this episode is about…

    So, there's this trend in the influencer and guru world of trying to make God cool again. You've got your Petersons, your Hubermans, your Rogans, all preaching their own brand of spirituality, self-improvement, and self-optimization.

    And I've noticed this trend where they’ve moved more towards this acceptance of God or more open to a Jesus like figure. Not a problem on face value. I’m not here today to critique the flaws of religion. It’s over done or at least we will save it for a different day.

    I want to examine why this happens and just the general understanding of these, what I want to call, Podcast Daddy.

    Look at it this way, we're all players in the grand theatre of life, acting out our parts in a drama as ancient as the myths of Greece. We can cast ourselves into three roles, I think, in some sense, obviously this is a bit oversimplified as I’m still trying to formulate my wording for this but: those striving to be Prometheus, stealing fire from the gods to bring wisdom to mankind and gods being the structures we live under, the structures that influence our desire without us really know it; those wanting to play Apollo, the priestly conduit between heaven and earth, and the Gods, being your interpreter of ‘the good’; and then there are those who are content being the chorus, echoing whatever tune the priestly Apollo plays.

    Basically, you have your wise guys, you have your priest, and you have the people who generally follow the priest or start becoming a wise guy.

    I might turn this into a more in depth essay but the episode includes some of my initial thoughts.

    Let me know what you think…

    Stay curious.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    21 min
  • Breaking Down the Alt-right: How Outspoken Extremes Shape Our Culture
    Apr 22 2024

    Some highlights…

    * "The most outspoken members of society shape opinions and shift the center significantly."

    * "Twitter is often a cesspool of stupidity, yet it's also where the most opinionated gather to shape culture, art, politics, and philosophy."

    * "Our current commentary culture encourages edgy takes supported by selective evidence, yet fails to challenge the deeper complexities of truth."

    * "The alt-right's fixation on certain idols as a response to the perceived instability of the Symbolic order in our postmodern era is a clinging to these idols as a way to anchor their sense of self in a world where meaning seems increasingly fragmented and uncertain."

    * "They've mistaken the inversion of values for their transcendence, and in doing so, have fallen prey to the very nihilism they claim to despise."

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    28 min
  • Free will, determinism, and consciousness (ft. Sam Harris, Deleuze, and Nietzsche)
    Mar 19 2024

    There’s this clip of Sam Harris discussing consciousness and free will that went a bit viral on Twitter. I wanted to comment on it… so here it is. I hope you enjoy it.

    Stay curious.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    12 min
  • Modern magic: the internet and its endless influencers
    Jan 28 2024

    The quote that motivated this episode….

    “Central to Hermetic thought was the tenet: ‘As above, so below.’ Everything is connected, from the movement of the stars and the planets to the internal workings of an insect. Understanding these secret connections, and harnessing them, was the key to a successful magician’s art. Central, too, was the occult nature of the mage’s knowledge. The mage saw things, and connections, that ordinary or uninitiated people could not.

    Whoever shapes the perception of others, in order to get what they desire, is practising magic.

    As above, so below’, in this context, refers less to the relationship between, say, plants and planets, than to the relationship between the human psyche and human cultural life. Change one person’s mind – and you might change the world.

    Like the old witches’ bargains of eras past, we agree to sell parts of ourselves – our eyeballs – in exchange for certain illusory fulfilments of desire packaged up by powerful corporate tech titans and memetically gifted shitposters capable of ‘going viral’ with a perfectly worded image or tweet. Memes, in this telling, become the modern interpretations of the magician’s sigil: a magical image empowered to convey the magician’s desired energy.” — Tara Isabella Burton

    What better way to maintain the validity of your simulated world than to draw people into the hyperreality that you perceive?

    Stay curious.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    14 min
  • Deconstructing Arrival and Time: The Hidden Meaning
    Nov 16 2023

    This is the audio version of my previous essay and I’ve also linked the Youtube version as well.

    “But now I'm not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings. There are days that define your story beyond your life. Like the day they arrived.”

    “And "purpose" requires an understanding of intent. We need to find out, do they make conscious choices or is their motivation so instinctive that they don't understand a "why" question at all. And-And biggest of all, we need to have enough vocabulary with them that we understand their answer.” — Arrival

    One does not see an alternative cosmos, a cosmic folklore or exoticism, or a galactic prowess there - one is from the start in a total simulation, without origin, immanent, without a past, without a future, a diffusion of all coordinates (mental, temporal, spatial, signaletic) - it is not about a parallel universe, a double universe, or even a possible universe - neither possible, impossible, neither real nor unreal: hyperreal - it is a universe of simulation, which is something else altogether.

    — Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation

    "One has only to throw away the deterministic model of 'objective necessities' and obligatory 'stages' of development? One has thus to sustain a minimum of anti-determinism: nothing is ever written off, in an 'objective situation' which precludes any act, which condemns us fully to biopolitical vegetation. There is always a space to be created for an act—precisely because, to paraphrase Rosa Luxemburg’s critique of reformism, it is not enough to wait patiently for the 'right moment' of the revolution." — Slavoj Zizek

    "The past does not cause one present to pass without calling forth another, but itself neither passes nor comes forth. For this reason, the past, far from being a dimension of time, is the synthesis of all time of which the present and the future are only dimensions." — Gilles Deleuze

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    15 min
  • Deconstructing A Clockwork Orange: The Hidden Meaning
    Nov 2 2023

    This has a few changes and rewording but this is an audio and podcast version for my recent essay.

    Stanley Kubrick's cinematic masterpiece, 'A Clockwork Orange', paints a vivid picture of orchestrated aggression. But what's the real message behind the film? From the Korova Milkbar to the depths of psychological conditioning, 'A Clockwork Orange' is a journey into the human psyche.

    Article it’s based on…

    Stay curious.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit brendenslabyrinth.substack.com/subscribe
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    12 min