Our heroes search for Rhodan, but they bite off more than they can chew when they learn that a new friend isn't all that he seems.
Level One Human is the adventure of a dragon who is transformed into a human, the band of misfits they reluctantly join, and the hijinks that ensue.
Level One Human: Episode 2 “Aw, Rats!"
Egan: James Miron
Zinnia: Clark Eileen Atkinson
Lars: Matt Griffiths
Moxie: Devon Richtmeyer
Rhodan: Jason Kulas
Town Crier: Humphry Rolleston
Palanus: Kurt Boucher
Narrator: J Timothy Quirk
Postwick Guard 1 “Galph”: J Timothy Quirk
Cindy-Lee: Jennifer Hunter
Barkeep: Rick Cyr
Betsy: Amy Petrucci
Postwick Guard 3: David Robbinson
Jeremy the Elf: Paul Starybrat
Pixie One (Blossom): Jennifer Hunter
Villager: Ilana Hunter
Original story concept by Ilana Hunter
Written, Directed, and Produced by Ilana Hunter and Kurt Boucher
Additional writing by Jennifer Hunter and AJ Lin
Music by Raymond Boucher and Kurt Boucher
Additional music by Wendy Sheridan of Music for the Goddess
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