Our heroes enter Nevermirth Forest while trying to find Rhodan, only to discover that something weird seems to be wrong with their friend.
Level One Human is the adventure of a dragon who is transformed into a human, the band of misfits they reluctantly join, and the hijinks that ensue.
Level One Human: Episode 03: Shish-Ka-Pixie
Egan: James Miron
Zinnia: Clark Eileen Atkinson
Lars: Matt Griffiths
Moxie: Devon Richtmeyer
Rhodan: Jason Kulas
Town Crier: Humphry Rolleston
Palanus: Kurt Boucher
Narrator: J Timothy Quirk
Postwick Guard 1 “Galph”: J Timothy Quirk
Belladonna: Christiane Olson
Postwick Guard 4 “Gilliam”: JB Segal
Postwick Guard 5 “Hank”: Thomas Rafferty
Hobgoblin Hal: Andrew Usher
Hobgoblin Debbie: Jandi Hanna
Pixie 1 (Blossom): Jennifer Hunter
Pixie 2 (Snazzberry): Ilana Hunter
Pixie 3 (Brad): Melissa Gabehart
Fredsel, Museum Curator: Jeff Savage
Original story concept by Ilana Hunter
Written, Directed, and Produced by Ilana Hunter and Kurt Boucher
Additional writing by Jennifer Hunter and AJ Lin
Music by Raymond Boucher and Kurt Boucher
Additional music by Wendy Sheridan of Music for the Goddess
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