What do you think of when you hear "quality thinking"? Join us as we explore what quality thinking really means and how it affects team performance and company results. We're discussing the influence of attention, listening, and the environment on our ability to think well. With the help of works from thought leaders like Nancy Cline and Hal Gregersen, we share practical steps to help you uncover your own best practices. Stay tuned for our self-coaching questions that create optimal thinking spaces both at work and in personal life. Let's create environments that foster innovation and collaborative thinking, together!
Here are the Highlights:
00:00 Introduction.
00:22 Creating quality thinking together
04:34 Intentional attention during conversations
10:11 Adapting to individual needs
12:13 Are leaders truly listening?
15:32 How trust and respect enable collaboration
19:39 Facilitating effective team communication
21:52 Agenda setting for effective meetings
About Rebecca & Diane:
Rebecca Walker and Diane Williams, leadership coaches with over 20 years experience, are on a mission to de-bunk some of the myths and barriers surrounding coaching, making it accessible to all, with a touch of humour and a human approach.
Diane brings energy and enjoyment to her coaching. She offers you time and space to deepen your thinking, reflect on how you are working and bring impactful behavioural change. Diane also works with teams to help them develop and reach their collective potential.
Rebecca coaches teams, leaders and emerging leaders across many different sectors. She brings empathy with a healthy dose of challenge to help leaders navigate their style and impact. She also helps teams to thrive through building trust and deep collaboration.
Headflex will flex the subjects that commonly appear in their coaching sessions and challenge each other and their guests to answer thought provoking questions, unlock answers and shift perspectives.
Connect with us at Headflex:
Email: hello@headflex.co.uk.
Website: www.headflex.co.uk
Instagram: www.instagram.com/head.flex/
Connect with Rebecca Walker: www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccawalker13/
Connect with Diane Williams: www.linkedin.com/in/dianewilliams1
Produced by Winter Audio.