This episode of Life and Wisdom Speaks is with my guest, Rebecca Pierre-Louis where we talk about having a baby during the pandemic while she shares her wonderful experience of being blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby boy.
Having a baby is supposed to be a wonderful and joyous time for those that are getting ready to have a new baby. It can be somewhat daunting because you are stepping into the unknown along with hoping and praying that everything goes well. But to have a baby during a pandemic with all of the other unknowns has to be concerning. During the pandemic....we had hospitals overcrowded and people were afraid of coming down with COVID along with everything else that went on during this time in all of our lives. I know that Moms and Dads had to have deep concerns but if you were given the assignment of becoming a new parent during the pandemic......then that's just what that assignment that had to be fulfilled! Congratulations to you, your beautiful baby and bringing new LIFE into this world!! Job well DONE...!! And for those that are waiting for their's forthcoming......when GOD says it will be a wonderful and joyous time purposefully for you!! And for all that bring forth new will find new purpose in your LIFE's JOURNEY...!!