Many people think you have to be an accountant or finance professional to sit on a board.
Nope! But, you do need to know how to navigate financial statements AND, more importantly, ask all the right questions of the numbers...often with a bit of skeptisicm.
In this episode, Paul is joined by new Future Directors Faculty Member and sports nut, Dr David Bond. He also teaches this finance stuff to uni students, via his popular YouTube channel, and gets to live and breathe it too inside the multiple boards he serves on.
NOTE: This is a recording of one of our Directors Circle sessions that we put on live for our Future Directors members (see link to join below). The sound quality is not our usual.
Also in this episode:
- Learn how to leverage real-time financial data to enhance decision-making.
- Explore modern approaches to financial governance beyond static board papers.
- Gain insights on the future of financial literacy for board directors.
Connect With David Bond: YouTube | | LinkedIn
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