It’s a day for fiery, resolute, visionary people to secure a new breed of revelators in the earth! Join Emma Stark and Sam Robertson for a straight talking conversation on becoming what God wants you to become. From the otherworldliness of holiness to the dynamic force within you, moving you to be fearless of the world, it’s an episode to get inspired and equipped!
Learn to identify and kick out demonic influences affecting your life and reclaim your spiritual authority with Emma Stark’s powerful Demonbusting 2 ecourse. Visit to become equipped to fight spiritual battles with confidence and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to step into spiritual authority!
We’re building a home for our growing movement of prophetic warriors like you! Will you join us financially in creating a visionary resource centre? This centre will serve as a broadcast and recording facility, creating cutting edge content of truth and training to the world. Visit to donate today.