This is Part 1 from an ongoing topic from another podcast. To catch part 2 please search for the Eclectic Circle on your favorite streaming platform.
Trigger Warning!! This episode may contain discussion including suicidal thoughts/actions, depressive episodes, childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, anxious feelings, and negative mindset.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please don't hesitate to get help. If none of these numbers are from your area , please seek out your nearest resource centers, there are many services that are confidential, free, 24 hours a day.
Here are some links and details for places you can go to for help:
United States- National Suicide Prevention (800) 273-8255
Canada- Crisis Service Canada 1.833.456.4566
United Kingdom- National Suicide Hotline UK 0800 689 5652
Child line UK
0800 1111
If you or anyone you know is affected by any of the issues discussed In this episode, you can get support from the HIVE Crew here:
To connect with Amanda and lunar or to visit the Eclectic Circle podcast for part 2: