This week we discuss emotional needs and whether it’s possible to meet your own, how to communicate what you need and where these needs could be met in all aspects of life.
What are 3 basic emotional needs?
- How do you think you go about getting your emotional needs met?
- How do I respond to others? Is it usually passive, aggressive or assertive?
- Do I often deny I have needs? Do I put others’ needs above my own?
- Do I demand my needs be met by everyone? Do I feel I have the right to have my needs met?
- Do I express my needs in honest, open ways? How can I improve this?
The SDT (self-determination theory) reduces basic human needs down to just three: autonomy, competence and relatedness: autonomy is defined as the desire to self-organise behaviour and experience; competence means having an impact on and attaining valued outcomes; relatedness is the desire to feel connected to others, to give love and care
"To hope that another human can meet our needs is asking too much of anyone."
Romanoff suggests being alert to when you tend to reach out for others to fulfill your needs. For many people, this might be when you are bored, lonely, or anxious or otherwise need to regulate your emotions.
"Once you identify your triggers, you can begin to reduce your dependence on others in these situations," says Romanoff. "If you delay reaching out, you could strengthen your own internal resources to process difficult emotions, for example by journaling, exercising, taking a warm shower, or another relaxing activity."
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