Today we start a new series entitled, Questions People Ask Jesus.
What’s so amazing to me is that the questions people asked Jesus over 2000 years ago are still questions we ask today. How do we live in the tension of these questions that never seem to go away?
In this episode we’re asking...Who Is My Neighbour?
Liz, beautifully helps us to understand more fully, the Imago Dei, which is the Latin translation of the English “image of God.” Or as she describes, “the immaterial or spiritual fingerprint of God on us.” So lovely!
We invite you to listen anywhere you find your favourite podcasts or watch us on YouTube. Blessings Friends
Episode13 - References
Luke 10:25-29, NIV
Genesis 1:26-27, NIV
James 3:9-10, NIV
Howard Thurman (1899-1981)
Prentis Hemphill
Henry Nouwen (1932-1996)