In this solo episode, Tara Caffelle shares grief that has engulfed the city she lives in after the bodies of 215 children were confirmed to be buried on the grounds of Kamloops' former Indian Residential School.
In future episodes, we will seek to amplify marginalized voices, so that we may hear the stories and take action to support all that needs to be done.
Here are some resources to support action, shared with gratitude from Pamela Roach (@pamroach on twitter) who is an Assistant Professor and Director of Indigenous Health Education at the University of Calgary:
The call for a Royal Commission Report
The National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation
Here’s the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015). If you haven't already read it, do it now. If you've read it before, review it again.
Calls. To. Action.
Learn about international Indigenous rights.
Read about the impact of colonization and genocide.
And finally, a report on how this racism persists today.
We have work to do.