Follow our adventurers along in their journey in the final round of the Induction Tournament for the Pokemon Exploration Society. In this episode, people fly, everything goes off-script, and onions be haunted. Find out what happens this week on Pokemon: Aftermath!
Instagram: @pokemon_aftermath_pod
Facebook: Pokemon: Aftermath TTRPG Podcast
Twitter: @PkmnAftermath
Discord Server Invite:
Thank you to the YouTube channel Zame for the following contribution of the background music for this episode:
Victory Lies Before You! (Last Pokémon): Remastered
ENDING: "Onward to our Own Futures": Remastered
If you are interested in becoming our editor and part of the team reach out to us through email or on Discord, and don't forget to submit those Q&A questions for the cast at the end of the Arc!