The more we have, the bigger we become! We are all in a rat race to acquire more and more; we never have enough. We are part of a world of acquisition; amidst this, there are people who give. Those who give unconditionally with a sense for others’ needs.
There are many types of givers - ones who want to be known as generous, ones who give only to the deserving, ones who give conditionally… God loves a good “giver”. He asks us to share what we have with those who need it and seek it, wholeheartedly. In the Bible, we are told: “Do not test the Lord”. On the giving tithes, the Lord asks us to test Him.
Have you noticed, if you test the Lord with your giving, you will see yourself being blessed by the Lord with His giving? Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob talks about testing the Lord by giving Him everything He has given us. Give Him all that you have and receive all that He has to give you; He gives generously.
Episode Breakdown:
01.30 - Givers in a World of Acquisition
08.00 - Way of God
10.03 - The Good Samaritan
13.11 - Giving of Tithes
15.20 - ‘Test’ the Lord
17.19 - The First Fruits
Bible Reference:
- Malachi 3 - ‘Test’ the Lord
Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon.
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