Follow our adventurers on their journey in the final round of the Induction Tournament for the Pokemon Exploration Society. In this episode, trees are alive(?), people almost die, and rewards are granted. Find out what happens this week on the Arc 1 Finale of Pokemon: Aftermath!
Instagram: @pokemon_aftermath_pod
Facebook: Pokemon: Aftermath TTRPG Podcast
Twitter: @PkmnAftermath
Discord Server Invite:
Thank you to the YouTube channel Zame for the following contribution of the background music for this episode:
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia: Arrangement
BATTLE! Regice/Regirock/Registeel: Remastered
Eterna Forest: Remix (EXTENDED)
Victory Lies Before You! (Last Pokémon): Remastered
If you are interested in becoming our editor and part of the team reach out to us through email or on Discord, and don't forget to submit those Q&A questions for the cast at the end of the Arc!