God sends the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse to find a person to become the King of Israel. Interestingly, none of the older sons of Jesse, who were strong and prominent were chosen; David who was not even worthy in the eyes of his father became worthy in the eyes of God.
God's choice is different from that of the whole. In the Bible, we see many such examples: His disciples who were to follow Him, the prophets who were chosen to lead God’s people… They might not be the best person for the job but God calls them. God chooses those who desire Him above everything else, those who are willing to give up everything to do the will of God.
Are you God’s choice?
Episode Breakdown:
01.48 - Choosing David
04.55 - Criteria of God’s Choice
07.12 - God Looks at the Heart
09.52 - Preparation for Grace
11.30 - A Trusting Heart
Bible Reference:
- 1 Samuel 16 - God sends Samuel to the house of Jesse to choose the future king of Israel
- 1 Samuel 14 - God looks at the heart of a person
- 1 Corinthians - God chooses the broken…
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