LADIES, GENTLEDUDES, AND OTHER! THE JTT DEVOTEES HAVE SPOKEN!! Due to the outcry of our JUST THE TIP enthusiasts, the boys have put together another compilation-JUST THE ADS! All advertisements. All in order. Warts and all. Be sure to finish this one. The last 6 mins is a brand spanking new ad/audio journey for yet another addition to the JTT UNIVERSE. JP and Rocketts have been slaving away in the depths of the Wolf Dungeon working their throat magic harder then ever. Strap in, grab a handful of your favorite noshables, and enjoy folks! Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip