Austin and John discuss their excitement for the upcoming Christmas season and the cold weather in their respective regions. They reminisce about fond memories of skating on frozen lakes and playing pond hockey.
John shares that he has found a better balance between his coaching responsibilities and his investing activities. He discusses the physical distinction between his work and home environments, and how this has helped him be more focused and productive at the office.
Austin outlines several significant changes happening in his business, including the launch of a new franchise (Decify), the integration of the Lebanese accounting team, and a shift in how the sales coaching is structured with Sully focusing on larger franchises.
Austin shares insights he gained from a financial advisor about strategies for aggressively paying down a mortgage, including taking advantage of the ability to make lump sum payments of up to 15% of the mortgage value per year.
John discusses the challenges in the condo market in the Okanagan region, including the significant oversupply of new condos being built and the collapse in condo prices. He explains why he and Trisha have decided to hold onto their condo and rent it out rather than sell it.
Amer shares his interest in learning more about project management best practices, citing examples from the video game industry. The group discusses the potential benefits of implementing an intranet system to better organize and manage the company's resources and processes.
Austin outlines a key goal for 2025 - to create a centralized intranet system to better manage and distribute the company's resources and documentation across the franchise network. The group also discusses Amer's plans to collaboratively set 2025 goals for his business.