Our release of Emily Unleashed episodes continues this week with its third episode, where Emily talks with Pashtana Durrani. Durrani founded the Non-Profit Organization, LEARN Afghanistan, which provides quality education for children, especially girls in Afghanistan.
Due to Taliban repression, Durrani was force to find ways around restrictions limiting the education of girls in Afghanistan. Her approach centers on collaborating with local tribal leaders to gain their support, making it a community-driven initiative. She emphasizes that Afghan communities are not inherently against educating girls but are often constrained by safety concerns due to the Taliban's bans.
Through radio programs, microbytes (short, downloadable lessons), and remote learning the organization is able to deliver education in areas where traditional schooling is inaccessible. She remains hopeful, believing that even though the Taliban holds power, Afghan women will continue to find ways to learn and work, especially through technology.
Durrani is currently unable to return to Afghanistan but remains hopeful for the future of Afghan girls and the resilience of her country.