It’s hard to believe it’s December, but it’s another great opportunity to speak with my good friend Ellen Bayens of Ellen and I chat about things that she has published on her blog over the past month.
We start by talking about the podcast conversation I had with Celiac Canada’s Melissa Secord and Caleigh McAulay RD attending the International Symposium on Celiac Disease held in Sheffield UK earlier this fall. We talked about new paths to diagnosis, the 20 ppm standard for gluten free as well as the role of the different support groups internationally. Celiac Canada Report on International Celiac Symposium | A Canadian Celiac Podcast
Ellen tells us about a Spanish study to identifies that many healthcare professionals have a lack of knowledge about celiac disease and the gluten free diet. SPAIN: 96% of Public Health Workers Want More Training in the Gluten-Free Diet
We also start a discussion about the reliability of information sourced from ChatGPT particularly to answer questions about celiac disease and the gluten free diet. Should We Trust ChatGPT for Gluten-Free Diet Advice?
Both Ellen and I have good news stories about prices for gluten free meals and foods (this was a surprise!). Six Mile Pub Drops Surcharge for 'Gluten-Free' Menu Items
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