Ep 33- MEDIUM Monarch2- Stories of Signs and Synchronicities from our Listeners
Back for a second time and as this season’s closer, the Monarch Episode showcases some amazing stories sent in by our listeners. Each story highlights the unique ways in which Spirit communicates, offering comfort and reassurance to those left behind. From a beloved pet's presence during a surgery to a mother's connection with her son through a guitar pick, the episode emphasizes the enduring bonds of love and the signs that remind us of those we have lost.
- Karen's Story of Gromit
- Julie's Connection with her Son Jonah
- Amy's Horsey Smell Sign from Dad
- Sarah's Golf Ball Sign from Tom
- Becky's Signs from her Daughter Keira
- Chuck’s Dream Visitation from Dad
- Hannah’s Deer Encounter
- Specific signs can be requested from loved ones in spirit.
- Signs often occur in unexpected ways.
- Shared experiences can create connections between grieving families.
- Spirits often use humor to communicate with the living.
- Dreams can serve as a powerful medium for messages from the deceased.
- The importance of recognizing and celebrating signs from the spirit world.
Sound Bites
"Spiritual scavenger hunt."
"You're so loved."
"You can't go wrong."
If you have a story that you would like to share on our next Monarch Episode, please reach us through our website, MediumCurious to be sent ~ you'll find easy instructions.
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Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke
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