Hello Sex Drive passengers!
Welcome to episode 4 of the Sex Drive Podcast. Sex Educator, Katy DeJong, is our driver today, and she’s bringing in the juicy and very nuanced topic of “desire.”
What you’ll find in this episode:
- Dismantling the pathology of desire
- Is there a “normal” amount of desire? (The myth of low desire)
- The nuances of desire and how we experience desire
- Sexual sovereignty
- Melanie’s brilliant new concept of “desire languages!”
- Bonus convo at the end of the episode:
- Intuitive desire
- How do we define desire, and what does desire feel like?
- How our role as sex educators is similar to dulaship
Where you can find us:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sexdrivepodcast/
What to hear us discuss and answer your questions on our series finale? Submit your anonymous questions to us here!
Dorothy Stover-
Melanie Rocco -
Katy DeJong -
Sam Nininahazwe -
Lauren Elise Barnes-
Michelle Aguwa-
Kelsey Hughen -