Have you ever struggled to understand what the OT is saying? Determining meaning of Scripture can be difficult when we have the bridge of time and culture to cross.
It is a common feeling that the OT is primarily just laws, but what if we are wrong? What if tucked in those laws is a message we are missing?
Join Dr. Joseph Cathey, professor of the OT and former archaeologist as we discuss in part 1 of our interview the relevance of the OT to us today and look at what hinders us from seeing its relevance.
A lack of desire coupled with a lack of understanding of the nature of God and His purposes in the Old Testament can cause us to miss the significance of the Old Tesstament.
Listen in as we unpack why the Old Testament matters in this compelling interview and leave a comment to share your thoughts on the Old Testament.
Download the devotional, transcript, and additional resources for this podcast below.