In the schizophrenic United States of Cannabis, Americans have been denied fundamental Constitutional Rights because of their choice to use a plant. Long after court requirements are satisfied from a marijuana charge, many Americans are denied basic rights like employment, voting, housing, property, child custody, and college loans that keep them from Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. As the laws and regulations regarding cannabis undergo extreme transformations, Americans are still subjected to discrimination, but now, there could be a light on the horizon.
In this episode of Cannabis Nurse Truths, we are excited to host our first poTcast guest, Tamara Lyn Netzel, a nationally-recognized cannabis advocate and author, who has just published her second book, Humans of Cannabis in a Renaissance of Hope, highlighting the struggles and successes of normal everyday Americans who have decided that cannabis is their drug - or medicine - of choice. Tamara is the founder of the non-profit 501c3 Cruel Consequences: Portraits of Misguided Law after becoming a medical cannabis advocate for treatment of her multiple sclerosis symptoms and in this episode of CNT, we discuss her journey to cannabis as medicine and her passion for cannabis advocacy.
Cruel Consequences: Portraits of Misguided Law
Amazon: Humans of Cannabis in a Renaissance of Hope
Portraits of Misguided Law: The Human Cost of Marijuana Prohibition