• Ep 47 The 4-Talents #entrepreneurialtip

  • Mar 4 2025
  • Durée: 22 min
  • Podcast

Ep 47 The 4-Talents #entrepreneurialtip

  • Résumé

  • Welcome everyone to the 47th episode of Professor P's Podcast. This week, I am bringing you another entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is THE 4-TALENTS #entrepreneurialtip “Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee.” —Muhammad Ali, World Champion Boxer Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest boxers of all time. His success is directly related to his ability to think systematically, which created thought patterns and processes that attracted greatness to him. He was a very skilled and talented boxer and would out-practice anyone. As an Empowered Entrepreneur, you need to be skilled like Ali. You need to have his same work ethic. You need to understand the power of your unique frequency, which is your thought process. You need to settle for nothing less than greatness. You will need to understand your unique talents. There are four talents that are critical to being an Empowered Entrepreneur: ImaginationExperimentationInsightWisdom When was the last time you played? I mean freely played, when your imagination just ran wild. Do you remember being a child and playing without a care in the world? There are so many benefits to playing—most importantly, the ability to heighten our imagination. When we can imagine with no self-censorship getting in the way, no pressure from the matrix telling us we are getting it wrong, we become so liberated. So much learning can be found no matter what form of play you encounter. Imagination is sparked. As an Empowered Entrepreneur, it is important you develop the talent of imagination. It opens the mind, and when the mind is open, there is no limit to what it can and will produce. Imagination also activates creativity. I am always surprised at the number of people who believe they are not creative. Now, I understand that some people are not that crafty. I get that part, but when mothers especially tell me they are not that creative, I think to myself, How is that? You created a human, for God’s sake! Imagination and creativity open a whole new level of thinking for you. It is that key that finds solutions to problems. But do you know what blocks creativity? FEAR. Yes, fear. False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is an emotional roadblock. Before we even get started being creative, fear pops in with self-doubt and insecurity. Then we self-censor. The mind is so powerful, but when limited, it is very weak. You must turn the self-censor off and stop dancing with your complex issue. Pick up the brush of creativity and paint your future. The Empowered Entrepreneur doesn’t predict his or her future; they imagine it. They create it. The talent of experimentation is why scientists are so damn cool. They experiment all the time. Without experimentation, we would not have many of the inventions we have today, nor would we have the future. Thomas Edison is one of my favorite inventors of all time. Do you know how many times he failed while creating the light bulb? So many times! But it was through experiment that he finally arrived at the light bulb, and that sucker is everywhere today. You will be required in Entrepreneurship Empowered to get out of the building and or office and go experiment. Go try your product on the consumer. Go test your theory in the marketplace. Then you will know which next steps to take with your services or products. Everything in Entrepreneurship Empowered is about action and trying. When you experiment, you become open to learning about how new processes would work for your organization and ways to effectively cut costs in order to help manage cash flow. Again, there is no limit to what experimenting can do for you as you launch, manage, and grow your business. One of the best places for you to do some experimenting is at a makerspace. A makerspace is a collaborative workspace. Co-working spaces can also be rented for start-up businesses. You will find all kinds of elements at a makerspace—from 3D printers to sewing machines. Everything from coding to the creation of art takes place in a makerspace. It is a hub for genius and creativity. You can use most of the equipment found there. You will need to learn how to use the equipment first, of course, but after that, you are good to go. If you are in my class at one of the colleges or in my virtual course, you will be introduced to our makerspace. There are makerspaces everywhere—all you have do is search online for them, and I am sure you will find one in your area. I encourage you to go explore and experiment. A study at the University of Michigan revealed that empathy levels in our world have dropped dramatically—“College kids today are about 40 percent lower in empathy than their counterparts of 20 or 30 years ago.”3 I am so shocked at how much we just don’t care for humankind. The skill of insight is critical to life and business. The definition of insight, according to the dictionary, is “the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or ...
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