Chris welcomes back another returning guest this week, as he catches up with wrestler and owner/promoter of No Mercy Wrestling, Chris Bevan!
We chat about the growth of No Mercy since our last interview (in summer 2021), which has seen their debut show, the inception of it's own 'Iron Cobra' tournament, the importance of working alongside his fellow promoters and their upcoming show, featuring a certain special guest who will be 'Worm-ing' his way into Pembrokeshire, showing he isn't 'Too Cool' to hang with the No Mercy crew!
To keep up with the latest news, be sure to follow both the No Mercy Wrestling and Bevan's own social media pages:
Facebook: @NoMercyWrestle & @bevanandhell
Instagram: @nomercywrestle & @bevanbastardson_pw
Twitter: @NoMercyWrestle & @bevanbastardson
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**Theme song 'Halloween Night' used courtesy of Jayde Garrow.**