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Let's dive into Falls Lake, Stage 12 and the jungle set of Jurassic Park 3 plus a close look at the epic Spinosaurus river attack.
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Guests in this episode:
Artist Robinson, Assistant Director
Robert Dalva, Editor
Shelly Johnson, DP
Ed Verreaux, Production Designer
Brenda Wachel, Script Supervisor
Doug Meerdink, Art Director
My wife Jess, a JP3 fan because she has to be.
Brady Crane , co-host of the Jurassic Park Minute podcast
Stan Winston's John Rosengrant, now a Co- Founder of Legacy Effects
Stan Winston's David Monzingo
ILM's Anthony Shafer
Trevor Morgan, Eric Kirby
Steven Ray Morris, host of the See Jurassic Right podcast
Dan Finkelstein, DansJp3Page
BJ Baker, JP3 fan
Featuring a 2001 movie review by Joanna Connors of the Cleveland Plain Dealer