Hello Sex Drive passengers!
Welcome to episode 7 of the Sex Drive Podcast. Sex Educator, Sam Nininahazwe, is our driver today, and she’s guiding this important conversation on Pleasure Beyond Orgasm.
What you’ll find in this episode:
- What are we really talking about when we talk about the “pleasure gap?” Should it actually be called the “orgasm gap?”
- Allowing pleasure to be circular rather than linear - Circular Response Cycle - Dr. Rosemary Basson
- Context matters when it comes to our pleasure experiences
- What would happen if we were to take penetration and orgasm off the table?
- Celebrating self-pleasure!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Laurie Mintz - Becoming Cliterate
Dr. Rosemary Basson - Circular Response Cycle
The Art of Giving and Receiving - Dr. Betty Martin
Sex After Grief - Joan Price
Mikayla Bohem - Delocalized self-pleasure
Emily Nagasaki
“Chase your pleasure, baby!” ~ Lauren’s partner, Trey
Where you can find us:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sexdrivepodcast/
What to hear us discuss and answer your questions on our series finale?
Submit your anonymous questions to us here!
Dorothy Stover-
Melanie Rocco -
Katy DeJong -
Sam Nininahazwe -
Lauren Elise Barnes-
Michelle Aguwa-
Kelsey Hughen -