In today’s episode we are speaking with with Dr Uri Rosenberg who is currently working in academia. He's a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and lecturer at Heidelberg University, with a PhD in Middle East History from Tel Aviv University. His academic research spans the modern Turkic world, focusing on topics such as Turkish political Islam, nation-building in post-Soviet Azerbaijan, and Jewish-Muslim relations in Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Israel.
But in this episode, I am more interested in Uri's activism and hands-on experience in Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. Uri is the co-founder and the former co-CEO of Tech2Peace, an NGO that fosters Israeli-Palestinian dialogue through intensive technological and entrepreneurship seminars.
When managing Tech2Peace, he was mainly focused on the content, such as the design of the workshops and the creation of the alumni community. Currently, Tech2Peace has approximately 700 Israelis and Palestinians, which has helped to create a vibrant and active alumni community, even in these difficult times of war.
If you would like to learn more about Dr Uri Rosenberg and Tech2Peace, please look below at the following links: