We missed you Chaotic Babes! 2-weeks of being hit with illness and symptom flares, is not recommended!
But here we are again with a new episode of weird, wild, and wacky! As we get to the end of the season and alphabet, the topics tend to get a bit strange and might be descfribed as “a bit of a stretch”. BUT! It’s our show and we don’t know how to do anything normally! So here we are✨.
This week Kali has her individual topic, brought to you by the letter, Y! She decides to play a little game of Guess That Slang! Dev has to guess the definition of the slang used in the last 123 years of generations! Some you may be familiar with and some are so far out there, it would be interesting to find out how they got started. Alas, this is a bare minimum podcast solely for the purpose of escaping this shit show sandwich called reality!
See You Next Week and Happy Halloween!🖤💋
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Xoxo💋- Kali, Dev, & Jade