Inclusionary zoning policies use the market to produce affordable housing, but nothing comes for free. So who pays? Shane takes the guest seat to discuss his analysis of IZ in Los Angeles, making the case that it’s not developers or high-income renters who bear the cost, but all renters — poor, middle income, and wealthy alike.
Show notes:
- Phillips, S. (2024). Modeling Inclusionary Zoning’s Impact on Housing Production in Los Angeles: Tradeoffs and Policy Implications. UC Berkeley Terner Center for Housing Innovation and UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies.
- UCLA Housing Voice Episode 31: Inclusionary Zoning with Emily Hamilton
- Manville, M., Monkkonen, P., Gray, N., & Phillips, S. (2023). Does Discretion Delay Development? The impact of approval pathways on multifamily housing’s time to permit. Journal of the American Planning Association, 89(3), 336-347.
- UCLA Housing Voice Episode 59: The Costs of Discretion with Paavo Monkkonen and Mike Manville (conversation about our research on the TOC approval process).
- Elmendorf, C. S., Marantz, N., & Monkkonen, P. (2021). A Review of California’s Process for Determining, and Accommodating, Regional Housing Needs. Background paper prepared for the California State Auditor.
- Wikipedia page on the Laffer curve.
- Phillips, S., & Ofek, M. (2022). How Will the Measure ULA Transfer Tax Initiative Impact Housing Production in Los Angeles? UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies.
- UCLA Housing Voice Episode 77: Upzoning With Strings Attached with Jacob Krimmel and Maxence Valentin.
- Details on the reduction of inclusionary requirements approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on a 10–1 vote.
- UCLA Housing Voice Episode 78: Building Height and Construction Costs with Anthony Orlando.